Guten Morgen Foundation
Bless the whole World!


§ 1 Name and Register 

The association bears the name Guten Morgen.It shall be entered in the register of associations by the Registrar General’s Department Reg No. CG233862018The seat of the association is Teiman Wisdom Academy P.O.BOX D.T.D.T.D 4500 Adenta-Accra

§ 2 The fiscal year

The fiscal year is the calendar year.

§ 3 Purpose

The association pursues exclusively and directly - non-profit - charitable - ecclesiastical - purposes in the sense of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.Purpose of the association is the promotion of youth and people's welfare, education, people and vocational training, art and culture, landscape conservation, environmental protection, public health, sport, support for people in need. The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular by carrying out maintaining schools, an educational counselling center, maintaining arts, maintaining songs and choral singing, establishing farms. We buy land to build schools, children's and youth home, buy land to founding a Maringa and cashew farm to support the local farmers for a fair trade. We buy school buses so that’s students living outside cities and outskirts has the opportunity to reach the school and can get education.Recycling plastic trash to get a clean Africa and prevent our sea and land for pollutions.Feed the poor children for free in our schools. Student exchange and Teacher exchange to connect the people worldwide to get diverse backgrounds and culture. Combating drug abuse, promoting sporting exercises and services.

§ 4 Unselfish activity

The association pursues exclusively and directly - non-profit - charitable - ecclesiastical - purposes in the sense of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.Purpose of the association is the promotion of youth and people's welfare, education, people and vocational training, art and culture, landscape conservation, environmental protection, public health, sport, support for people in need.The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular by carrying out maintaining schools, an educational counselling center, maintaining arts, maintaining songs and choral singing, establishing farms.    We buy land to build schools, children's and youth home, buy land to founding a Maringa and cashew farm to support the local farmers for a fair trade. We buy school buses so that’s students living outside cities and outskirts has the opportunity to reach the school and can get education.Recycling plastic trash to get a clean Africa and prevent our sea and land for pollutions.Feed the poor children for free in our schools. Student exchange and Teacher exchange to connect the people worldwide to get diverse backgrounds and culture. Combating drug abuse, promoting sporting exercises and services.§ 4 Unselfish activity. The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

§ 5 Application of funds

The association's funds may only be used for purposes in accordance with the statutes. The members do not receive any contributions from the funds of the association.

§ 6 Prohibition of Benefits

No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.

§ 7 Acquisition of membership

Natural persons or legal entities can become members of the association.The application for membership must be made in writing.The board decides on the application for membership.
The applicant is entitled to appeal against the rejection, which does not require any justification, to the general meeting, which then makes the final decision.

§ 8 Termination of membership

Membership shall be terminated by resignation, expulsion, death or dissolution of the legal entity.Withdrawal shall be effected by written declaration to an authorized member of the Board of Directors. The written notice of resignation must be given to the executive committee with a period of notice of one month at the end of each financial year.An expulsion can only take place for an important reason. Important reasons are, in particular, behavior that damages the association's objectives, the violation of statutory duties or arrears of contributions of at least one year. The executive committee decides on the exclusion. Against the exclusion the member is entitled to appeal to the general meeting, which is to be addressed in writing within one month to the executive committee. The general meeting makes the final decision within the framework of the association. The member reserves the right to review the measure by appealing to the ordinary courts. The appeal to an ordinary court has a suspensive effect until the judicial decision becomes final.

§ 9 Contributions

Contributions are collected from members. The amount of the fees and their due date shall be determined by the General Meeting.

§ 10 Organs of the Association

Organs of the association are: 
The general meetingThe board of directors

§ 11 General Assembly

The general meeting is the supreme organ of the association. Its tasks include, in particular, the election and deselection of the Board of Directors, the discharge of the Board of Directors, the receipt of reports from the Board of Directors, the election of auditors, the determination of contributions and their due date, the adoption of resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association, the adoption of resolutions on the dissolution of the Association, the decision on the admission and exclusion of members in cases of appeal as well as other tasks, insofar as these arise from the Articles of Association or according to the law.In the first quarter of each business year an ordinary general meeting takes place.The executive committee is obliged to convene an extraordinary general meeting if at least one third of the members request this in writing stating their reasons.The general meeting shall be convened by the executive committee in writing with one month's notice, stating the agenda. The period begins with the day following the dispatch of the letter of invitation. The letter of invitation shall be deemed to have been received by the members if it was sent to the last address given to the Association.The agenda is to be supplemented, if a member requests this in writing at the latest one week before the scheduled date. The amendment must be announced at the beginning of the meeting.Motions on the deselection of the member's vote.

§ 12 Membership fee 

The member fee depends on the country of origin of the member and amounts monthly to:     
For Ghana:       8.00 cedi
For Europe:      1.00 Euro 
For USA:          1.00 US-Dollar 
