Ear Acupuncture by Roman Nikolaus Urban
I have decided to use my 40 years of knowledge of Acupuncture to dedicate this textbook to my little daughter, Angelic
I first learned acupuncture from Grandmaster Han-Young Choi, and he learned from Grand Patriarch Dr. Chang In Mok, in the 1940s in acupuncture.
In 1980, Han-young Choi asked his friend Professor Dr. Lee, who was a Taekwondo Grandmaster and 9th Dan holder and taught Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) at the University of California, encouraged me to continue my education in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He first taught me different types of body Acupuncture.
At that time, acupuncture was not recognized by science and general medicine, the diagnostic procedures and treatment phases for correct successful application and acupuncture was banned from medicine!
What is Acupuncture, and how does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is by no means to be regarded as a holistic, independent method in medicine. Acupuncture is used in TCM for about 30% to relieve pain, diagnose diseases and to heal.
In contrast to body Acupuncture, ear Acupuncture is easy for the therapist to understand, but excludes many diagnostic options and treatment methods.
After 10 years of experience with many patients, I switched to ear acupuncture and have experienced that treatment times in Orthopaedics are three times shorter.
Here are two reasons:
1. Body acupuncture is sometimes painfu
2. You need the right timing, and you also need to be able to calculate when the meridian (TCM) in the brain is active, otherwise, the treatments will have no effect and will not be successful!
The major advantage of ear acupuncture is:
1. not painful
2. Effect imminent
Our skin is a map. And if you want to understand, you have to learn this card first.
It should be noted that each person is an individual and has their own map. That depends on how we grow in our mother's womb during pregnancy.
In our ear, you will also find a complete map of the body. If you follow the earlobes, you will see that they are the same shape as our head.
We need to diagnose two types of points:
1. visible points
- not to explain, your eyes see it
2. invisible points
- look at the pain- or Pressure Points or
- You have to use pulse key to find the point
This requires a pulse key
This testing method requires special training and a lot of practice.
When a mosquito gets too close to our eye, we automatically protect ourselves and through an innate (evolutionary) reflex, we automatically close our eyelids. When stimuli hit our body, how.
Light, touch, or loud noises trigger this reflex, which causes the blood vessels in the fingers and carotid artery to constrict.
This contraction causes a minimal backflow of blood in our arteries.
The return current is superimposed on the pulse wave coming from the heart and is thereby amplified. This pulse amplification can be felt on the wrist and neck.
We can use these innate reactions and find the right acupuncture points. Allergies, toxic loads, but also the right medication can be tested in this way. With this test method, I can evaluate the gene structure and thus determine intolerance or tolerance.
You can test, for example, whether a person has absorbed pollutants (Palladium through catalyst exhaust gases) through environmental influences, whether he tolerates silver or gold. What lifestyles make him ill, and what food he needs for himself individually?
What vitamins does the body lack? How does our body process toxins?
It depends on our ancestors and our genes whether we are immune to toxins or whether they burden us. if, e.g. For example, if our ancestors had a long tradition of smoking, we are most likely resistant to the toxin nicotine.
Didn't our ancestors smoke, to be sure, that means suffering, illness, and ultimately death!