Guten Morgen FoundationBless the whole World!
Tesla Nicola Tesla * 10. Juli 1856 - † 7. Januar 1943

Nicola Tesla


The magnetic flux density , which is abbreviated in physics by the letter B , is measured in Gauss or Tesla units. The following applies: 10,000 gauss = 1 tesla. A magnetized ferromagnetic material becomes a magnet whose strength is described by the remanence . Thus Gauss and Tesla are also the units of the remanence of a permanent magnet .
The Gauss is a unit of magnetic flux density composed of the natural or fundamental units in the so-called "cgs system". The basic units used by the cgs system include the length unit cm, the mass unit gram (g) and the time unit second (s). Correspondingly, the unit Tesla is the unit of the magnetic flux density in the currently valid SI system (international system of units). In the SI system, instead of grams, kilograms, instead of centimeters, meters and also the second are used to measure time.
Since the magnetic field strength and thus the magnetic flux density can be calculated from the force between moving charges, the Gauss or Tesla unit itself is not a fundamental unit. The context applies
1 T = 1\frac{N}{A \cdot {m}}1T=1

So 1 tesla is one newton per ampere and per meter. This means that 1 tesla corresponds exactly to the magnetic flux density which exerts exactly 1 newton of attraction on a conductor 1 meter long carrying a current of 1 ampere (due to the magnetic effect of the current in the conductor).
The magnetic field strength H can be determined from the magnetic flux density B. To do this, the magnetic flux density B must be divided by the permeability of the material μ and the permeability of the vacuum μ 0 :
H = \frac{1}{\mu\mu_0}\cdot {B}H=
m m


The Tesla unit is often found in the literature as a measure of the magnetic field strength. However, this is not entirely correct. As mentioned, Gauss and Tesla are the units of magnetic flux density and the magnetic field strength itself is given in the SI system in units of amperes per meter (A/m) or oersteds (1 oersted = 79.577 A/m).
